Saturday, January 23, 2010

Love Changes The Plan

Some women can't wait for the day to get married and pass on the tradition of having a family. Notice how I wrote "some". In this century alot more women are career oriented thus putting family goals on the back burner. They are deciding to put forth more energy pursuing educational and professional goals rather than taking someone's last name.

You can make the blueprint to your life but life is unexpected and there will be unexpected changes. When you feel you have everything in place and someone comes in and changes that plan it can be a scary thing. Just because it's something unfamiliar do you not explore it? Or do you let go and let love in and explore a new desire? This in no way means throwing away everything you've worked for but curiosity get's the best of us. You start to shift your focus to love and the things you never thought you wanted. Those who never thought about marriage and kids start to think about those things. Before you know you're taking steps into that direction.

Although you may have your idea of what life will be like, you never really know. It's always subject to change especially when love comes into the picture. I am not the one to say pass by on love. It can be a terrible thing or it can be the best thing in the world. You don't want to have worked your entire life and not know what real unconditional love feels like. We are in a new year. If you feel this piece is talking to you do me a favor in 2010 and let love in for a change and allow yourself to experience everything love has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. Love is a muthafuka... it'll have u on a wild ride lol..


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